Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Living with Mental Health issues

Obviouly as you all know my name is Dustin P. And I live with Mental Health issues. Many of them! Some worse then others. Let me tell you what I have, I will tell you the big ones. I have ADHD (who doesn't) I have bipolar 2, I have Borderline Personality disorder. I might have PTSD, we are still trying to figure that out. I have suicide ideation and homicidal ideation, I also have explosive rage disorder... another words I am mental. I am just kidding.

You would never be able to tell that i live with these. I look "normal" as society would say it. But you know what they are wrong in so many ways. Not every illness has a look to it, that stigma is wrong. This is an invisible illness, one that for the most part you cannot see. You deal with people in everyday life that has a mental illness and you may never know it

For those of us that live with this invisible illness, we try to live a normal life, but for us it is not normal as what society believes is normal. Some of us have voices that talk to us, some of us see things that others don't. We have voices telling us to harm ourselves or others, the list goes on and on. It is a daily struggle for us to live, but we fight, we hope, we live, we cope, and we live our lives as normal as possible. We are in recovery, not like drugs and alcohol, but we learn skills and have support groups to help us live a normal life.

We are no different then those without mental health issues. We are normal people, We are us, we are Gods Children. It is not a secret, nor should it be that you or someone else you know has a mental illness. Advocate, and learn about it spread the word. Teach others about it.



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