Saturday, December 15, 2012

mental health and the murders

How is everyone doing? Good I hope. I am writing this because of the recent event that have happen in this nation. The main reason the murders of those innocent children and the teachers.

You know the whole nation, maybe not the whole but a good part of the nation thinks that the man who did that did it because he has mental health issues. But you know what that is a cop out that is a way to try and explain what he did, and why he did it but when it comes down to it. It is just not true. When it comes down to it. If you think about it he killed his mother first, the report said that his mother was rigid. He had issues with his mother and then took it out on her students. It was wrong either way but it still had nothing to do with mental health. When it comes down to it he felt his mom payed more attention to the students then him and he hated her and the students for that.

Why he resorted to what he did only he will know. We never will. It has nothing to do with mental health and all to do with his own choices. Millions of people in the world have mental health issues. 1 in 2 people suffer from a serious mental illness 1 in 4 know someone in there lifetime with a serious mental illness. So to say that he did that because he had a mental illness is wrong and stereo typing the rest of us. If you think otherwise or you agree then please comment.


  1. I agree. Too many times mental illness is used an an excuse to be horrific as in this case. Mental illness does not cause these attacks, your own choices do.

  2. Thank you Diane for your comment. A lot of people try using their mental health as an excuse for the way they act. At times it my be a small part of why they did what they did but the fact of the matter is you make your own choices. yes it is a struggle when you have mental health issues but with training you can learn to cope with it and learn how to control it. Only the person can do that.
