What is our world coming too, when people put dead things in the mailbox of a mental health center? Why is it taboo, to have mental health issues? People are actually scared of people that have mental health issues. I can't fathom this. Of course I have done the research so I know this stuff, however most people don't. Let me Give you some statistics, and i hope by doing so it will change peoples mind about those with mental health problems.
- 1 in 4 adults in the United States lives with a mental illness
- there is a 1 in 2 chance you know someone that lives with a menal illness.
- 1 in 10 americans lives with depression
- 18% of americans almost 40 million suffer from anxiety
- 7% of americans have a mood disorder
- bipolar affects 2.5 million americans
You know if you really think about it it is astounding on how many people live with mental illness. almost every american at some point will deal with someone with a mental illness or live with it themselves. There is no need to have stigma against those of us that deal with it in daily life. Your bankers, your lawyers, doctors, theripist, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, family and friends, husbands, wives, girlfriend and boyfriend. young and old. We all live with it.
If you are in a crisis situation remember you will always have your local crisis line to call.
Remember we are all people.
No More Secrets
No more stigma.
Dustin P.
Mental health cosumer and and advocate
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